Tuesday, October 9, 2012

In The War To Build The Biggest Mobile Gaming Platform, Japan?s GREE Courts Indies

Screen Shot 2012-10-08 at 7.13.18 PMGREE, the $4.4 billion mobile gaming company from Japan that's trying to break into Western markets, is attempting to grow its gaming platform through a new program for indie developers. Called GREE Loves Indies, it will promote different indie games every month. The Tokyo-based company is inviting indie developers to submit games for a four to six-week launch and marketing campaign, with the first one title by this holiday season. Why? Basically, the very biggest freemium gaming companies including Zynga and DeNA, are in an all-out competition to have the biggest network of mobile gaming titles that they either develop internally or publish on behalf of other studios. After acquiring mobile-social gaming platform OpenFeint for $104 million last year, GREE opened its own platform in May of this year to 169 countries. Shortly afterward, they acquired San Francisco-based developer Funzio for $210 million.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/OdWtL7Ng_oU/

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