Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Atlanta Archdiocese Prohibits Giving to Komen - Philanthropy Today ...

The Archdiocese of Atlanta has told all its affiliated institutions to stop supporting Susan G. Komen for the Cure, reports The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

In an October 1 memo, the archdiocese, which represents about 1 million Catholics in northern Georgia, criticized some Komen affiliates? grants to Planned Parenthood because that nonprofit offers abortion services. The memo called any donations or volunteer efforts intended to benefit Komen ?an occasion for scandal.?

In a statement, the Atlanta Komen affiliate denied it had ever given financial support to Planned Parenthood Southeast. ?Komen Atlanta remains committed to ensuring that all women, especially the underserved, in our community have access to lifesaving breast cancer screening and support services,? the statement said. ?Any decrease in support directly impacts our ability to serve these women.?

Komen found itself involved in controversy earlier this year when its national office first ceased, and then restored, grants to Planned Parenthood for breast-cancer screening programs. Some of the anti-cancer charity?s affiliates have reported fund-raising declines this year.


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